Your Word Is Your Gun

Write Responsibly

Daffa Hanif
3 min readSep 19, 2024
Photo by Bexar Arms on Unsplash

Have you ever thought that there is something more dangerous than weapons, which can move thousands to millions of people, who can manipulate facts and truth. Those are words. Words are sharper than a sword, deader than poison.

As a writer, conveying a message that is clear, memorable, and has an impact on readers is a challenge. In a world full of information, the writing we write has the potential to build or destroy. However, not all writers realize the extraordinary power of the words they convey. So, choose carefully and wisely the words you will write.

Let’s dive into it!!

This Is Your Weapon

As a writer, forming perceptions and views through writing is a strength. Every sentence and every phrase has an impact on the way people see the world. On the other hand, writing that has a pessimistic tone can make someone feel small and lose hope.

For example, when news is written with a certain bias, it can influence the public in responding to the event. A responsible news writer will write neutrally and factually. More than creating perceptions, this can shape opinions, spark debate, and even lead to real action. That’s why a writer needs to consider the long-term impact of his writing.

Responsibility In It

