You’re a Silly Dreamer

Daffa Hanif
4 min readSep 9, 2024

Everyone Is A Dreamer, Are You One Of Them?

Your a Silly Dreamer
Your a Silly Dreamer | Daffa Hanif on Medium

When you were at school, were you ever asked about your dreams or what you want to be?

Maybe most other children would answer to be pilots, soldiers, or other common professions. However, when you answer the question differently from most others, your underestimated or even say your dreams are ridiculous.

They will easily say that your dream is a ridiculous dream,

Why dream so high?

Is your dream impossible?

However, they don’t realize that everything that exists and is used in everyday life started from ridiculous dream, a dream that most people never even though about. This ridiculous dream was born from people who dared to dream and could create something that could be useful and a solution for other people.

This dream are the results of strong and courageous desire to step outside existing boundaries. Because to be able to realize this ridiculous dream requires a lot of sacrifice from whatever you have.

Therefore, the world still needs silly dreamers who will bring change to this world in the future.

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