The Chance, When Is It?

Does it come or it’s created

Daffa Hanif
3 min readSep 13, 2024
the chance
Photo by Maia Habegger on Unsplash

Do you believe in second changes ?

Will the opportunity come or be created ?

For the past few days, this question has been bothering me quite a bit. This makes me think whether the opportunity will come to me sooner or later or it it will never come.

Life goes on, but there are question that fill my head. Will it happen , or can I make it happen . This is an interesting topic, just to reflect back on our lives. Are we aware of the opportunities that come our way every day or that can be created.

It’s Your Choice

Many people think it’s a matter of luck. However, what many people don’t realize is that this is the result of what we call “Domino Effect”. Opportunities are the result of every decision you make every day, what you will do, these are the things that will make the opportunities come to you.

The series of decision you make can change your life. However, do we dare to take a big decision to try something new or do you choose to “play it safe”. Opportunity is not something we wait for but something we create.

Prepare Yourself

